Hey there, just letting you know that you can play some music while being here. If you decide whatever you'd like to do, then click "profile".
(Note: this page looks better in computer. I tried to fix it to look good in mobile, but I gave up).

@? ? ? ?'s profile

art by @funamusea on funamusea.com

yibril's profile

I replicate the thoughts of my mind in cyber manifestations when I have to. I suffer from dyslexia. 29/01


( x °)
sharks, cats, dogs, mystery sensation, horror, do things I love, sleeping.
(x - )
excesive explicit suggestive content, struggle, to be pressured, naggy people, negligent people.

666 | 666 | @ 666

• <3 topicsss
• okegom
• evangelion
• azumnga daioh
• nekophiliac
• dj kuroneko
• yabujin
• more...

@? ? ? ?'s profile

art by @funamusea on funamusea.com

You do not separate fiction from reality; you match with the basic DNI list; you like real gore, are a nymphomaniac, get mad at other people's fun.

My content is not created for everyone, it contains various topics which may make someone umconfortable. So please, do not interact with my content if you are sensitive at the majority of trigger topics (gore, sa, sh, violence, etc).
Importantly remember that all the content I create I assume it in the fictional way. I do not support any of these topics in the reality.
As I mainly said, I suffer from dyslexia, and also attention deficit. I tend to not comprehend things very quickly. I'm not very skilled when it comes to socialize with people, please keep that in mind.